Pretty Components: Prop-based Styled Components in React.js
One of the biggest struggle I go through when working with React is styling. Trends have changed, over and over, but I never had the feeling that libraries out there were really solving the styling problem.
Let’s give a look at the very popular css-in-js library, styled-components.
const Button = styled.a`
border-radius: 3px; ${props => props.primary && css`
background: ${theme.primary};
`} ${props => props.size === 'small' && css`
font-size: 12px;
Alright, let’s clean this a little:
Button {
border-radius: 3px;
::primary {
background: $primary;
} ::size {
::small {
font-size: 12px;
If you like the syntax, good news: you can start using it now, it’s open-sourced and called pretty components.
Do we need any additional logic for mapping our component to its hover style only when it’ll be hovered?
a {
&:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
Of course we don't, because we already acknowledge that writing :hover
will make it conditionally styled, based on our element's state.
The idea here is similar: making props part of that state, right inside our style declaration. In other words, pretty components make that link implicit for you between your component and its style definition.
- Use any component props as style selectors, using the double-colon sign
- Use Sass nested styles syntax and its sugared & sign
- Create variables, later available in every style definition
- Stop overthinking class names.
Pretty components automatically generates readable ones:.Button
Now you may wonder, how can you write this in JavaScript. Well, you can’t.
In order to use Prop-based StyleSheets (.pss files), you can quickly set up the Pretty Webpack loader that will do the job for you. It’s really a matter of a few lines to paste into your webpack config file.
If you have any idea, suggestion, feedback…share your opinion below or on github. I really wish that Pretty components could evolve thanks to you.
I believe it can be useful for many developers.
Thanks for your time! ⚡️