This is a very interesting question: why reacto? I think this project, at least to me, is a great opportunity to rethink what a code editor is. I know that for now, it isn’t as good as other solutions, I totally see it. But what I also see is a chance to create something fresh and new. I have tons of ideas to suggest a different experience to coders. Now the only variable that needs to be considered is time. I have a full-time job and most of my free-time right now is spent on this project. Yet, I repeat it: I have tons of ideas. Since I released the project, I’ve already improved it a lot, thanks to the community and more work on my side too. I know what I want reacto to become and I’ll stick to this vision. This article was a way for me to let people know that this project is happening right now and that if someone has any interest, they can follow its progress publicly or even be part of it. I shared this as an initiative to suggest an alternative that can only become much greater. I have a lot of motivation, energy and passion for this.
NB: for the compatibility question, yes it does. Autocomplete doesn’t. UI aims to be faster than typing, yes. Thanks again for your question.